
Cumulative Publications

Girija P C

Girija P.C.Sreeshma E.R., Shiyona Sudheer, (2016) Analysis of Verbal Perseveration in Subcortical AphasicsLanguage in India,16(9).79-97
Girija,P.C., Nayana,N., Thesli. (2018). Primarily affected cognitive linguistic abilities in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of multidisciplinary research and development. 5(11). 85-90
Girija, P.C., Sruthy, R., Nayana. (2018). Cognitive linguistic abilities – a comparison between right and left subcortex. International journal of current advanced research. 7(10). 15904-15909
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., R. Radhakrishnan (2019)Analysis of pragmatic abilities in subcortical aphasia. Journal of speech pathology and J therapy.4 (1). 1-4
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Francis. R. (2019). Analysis of syntax production in subcortical aphasia. International journal of scientific research and reviews. 8(2). 849-861
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Suparna. R. (2019). Capturing vicissitudes of pholonogy. (2019). International journal of Advance and Innovative research. 6(20. 1-8
Girija, P.C, Nayana., Reshma, F. (2020). Effect of Senescence on sytax: a Correlative. (2020) International journal of science and engineering development research. 5(8). Publication
Girija P.C.Sreeshma E.R., Shiyona Sudheer, (2016) Analysis of Verbal Perseveration in Subcortical AphasicsLanguage in India,16(9).79-97
Girija,P.C., Nayana,N., Thesli. (2018). Primarily affected cognitive linguistic abilities in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of multidisciplinary research and development. 5(11). 85-90
Girija, P.C., Sruthy, R., Nayana. (2018). Cognitive linguistic abilities – a comparison between right and left subcortex. International journal of current advanced research. 7(10). 15904-15909
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., R. Radhakrishnan (2019)Analysis of pragmatic abilities in subcortical aphasia. Journal of speech pathology and J therapy.4 (1). 1-4
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Francis. R. (2019). Analysis of syntax production in subcortical aphasia. International journal of scientific research and reviews. 8(2). 849-861
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Suparna. R. (2019). Capturing vicissitudes of pholonogy. (2019). International journal of Advance and Innovative research. 6(20. 1-8
Girija, P.C, Nayana., Reshma, F. (2020). Effect of Senescence on sytax: a Correlative. (2020) International journal of science and engineering development research. 5(8).
P.C, G., Henna, A., & Narayanan, N. (2020). Portrayal of Higher Order Semantics in Subcortical Lesion. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research Vol.5; Issue: 272-277.
Girija, P.C., Nayana N, Hana., B. (2021). Determining the age of decline in metasyntax – A Preliminary Study. International journal of Recent Scientific Research. 12 (6). 42070-42074
PC Girija, NP Shahala, Nayana Narayanan. (2022). Lethologica in Aging. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 18 (1). 9-14
Girija P.C., Amina Naziha (2022) Effect of phonological priming on word recognition abilities in typical aging population- J medical science and clinical research
Girija PC. Reshma p(2022) Unravelling the Covert Role of Subcortex in Lexical Decision of Pseudowords. J Clin Med Img Case Rep. 2022; 2(6): 1304.
Girija P.C, Sisiliya F, Nayana, N. (2022). Aging and Cognitive Pragmatics: An exploratory study to understand the illustrious components in healthy aging. International Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 9(6). 5-8
Under Review
An Experimentation in to Word Generation in Subcortical Dementia – A study through semantic priming- Journal of Geriatric care and Research

Madhavan B

Madhavan Balakrishnan, Jyothis Kurian, Prem G Nair, Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAE) patterns in individuals with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - A comparative study, GSC Advanced Research & Reviews, Volume (8) Issue (3) of year 2021. CrosRef DOI:10.30574/gscarr.2021.8.3.0183
Badariya M, Madhavan Balakrishnan, Sithara Shanavas, (2021), Effectiveness of Pranayama (Yogic Breathing Exercise) on Management of Somatosensory Tinnitus: A Single Case Study, International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Vol.11; Issue: 12; December 2021, DOI:
Badariya M, Madhavan B, Afreen Najeeb C.H, Pooja Surendran. INTERMITTENT TINNITUS IN ADULTS: AN INSIGHT INTO COVERT HEARING LOSS, PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH | Volume - 10 | Issue - 08 |August - 2021 | PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 | DOI: 10.36106/paripex.
Madhavan Balakrishnan, Liya Varghese, Sarah Mohammed Hussain, EFFECT OF GESTATIONAL AGE ON CHILD'S EARLY SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, Global journal of research analysis, Volume (12) Issue (2) of year February 2023. Print ISSN NO.2277-8160. DOI:10.36106/gjra
Madhavan Balakrishnan, Sobha Radhakrishnan and Sarah Mohammed Hussain. An Insight into the Repercussion of Mother Child Interaction in the Development of Speech and Language in Children, International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, IJSRR 2022, 11(1), 26 – 35.
Madhavan Balakrishnan, Sobha Radhakrishnan, Indulekha A P, IMPACT OF AGING ON DIVIDED ATTENTION IN BILINGUALS, Global journal of research analysis, Volume-12, Issue-06, JUNE-2023. Print ISSN NO.2277- 8160. DOI:10.36106/gjra.

Lakshmi Suresh

Under review:
Cross analysis of loan words in L1-L2 and L2-L1 in developing syntax of Malayalam - English bilingual children. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development.

Badariya M

BADARIYA. M, LIYA.VARGHESE. Sudden sensorineural hearing loss as a sequela after recovery from post-covid pneumonia on an atherosclerotic patient: A single case study. World Journal of advanced research and reviews, 2023, 17(03), 915-919. Article DOI:
Badariya M, Swathi CS, Shameer S. Estimation of efferent inhibition and speech in noise perception on vocal musicians and music sleepers: A comparative study. J Otol. 2023 Apr;18(2):91-96.
BADARIYA. M, LIYA.VARGHESE, AHANA.CLETUS, "DEVELOPMENT & VALIDATION OF PAEDIATRIC VESTIBULAR SCREENING CHECKLIST (PVSC)", IJRAR - International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.9, Issue 3, Page No pp.131-140, September 2022, Available at :
Badariya M1, Madhavan Balakrishnan2, Sithara Shanavas. Effectiveness of Pranayama (Yogic Breathing Exercise) on Management of Somatosensory Tinnitus: A Single Case Study”. IJHSR-International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, Year: 2021 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 96-102. DOI:

Liya Varghese

Varghese, L., & Kottaramveettil, A. (2019). Association of Skin Pigmentation and Risk of Hearing Loss: A Homogenous Race Study. International journal of health sciences and research, 9(7), 234-241.
Varghese, l., & swathi, c. S.(2022) Otoacoustic emission-an early marker for identify- ing hearing loss susceptibility among underweight population.
M,B., Varghese,L. &Cleetus, A., (2023). Development & Validation of Paediatric Vestibular Screening Checklist (PVSC)
B, M., Varghese, l., &Hussain.m. (2023)Effect of gestational age on child's early speech and language Development.
M.B., Varghese, l. (2023). Sudden sensorineural hearing loss as a sequela after recov- ery from post-covid pneumonia on an atherosclerotic patient: a single case study. World journal of advanced research and reviews, 17(3), 915-919. Https://

Sobha Radhakrishnan

Madhavan Balakrishnan1, Sobha Radhakrishnan and Sarah Mohammed Hussain,AN INSIGHT INTO THE REPERCUSSION OF MOTHER CHILD INTERACTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE IN CHILDREN, International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, IJSRR 2022, 11(1), 26 – 35.
Madhavan Balakrishnan, Sobha Radhakrishnan, Indulekha A P, IMPACT OF AGING ON DIVIDED ATTENTION IN BILINGUALS, Global journal of research analysis, Volume-12,Issue-06, JUNE-2023. Print ISSN NO.2277-8160. DOI:10.36106/gjra.
Sobha Radhakrishnan,PERNICIOUS AFTERMATHS OF SMART SCREENS ON COMMUNICATION IN CHILDREN--A SINGLE CASE STUDY ON ELECTRONIC SCREEN SYNDROME, Global journal of research analysis, Volume-12, Issue-10, PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8160 • DOI : 10.36106/gjra

Nayana Narayanan

Girija,P.C., Nayana,N., Thesli. (2018). Primarily affected cognitive linguistic abilities in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of multidisciplinary research and development. 5(11). 85-90
Girija, P.C., Sruthy, R., Nayana. (2018). Cognitive linguistic abilities – a comparison between right and left subcortex. International journal of current advanced research. 7(10). 15904-15909
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., R. Radhakrishnan (2019) Analysis of pragmatic abilities in subcortical aphasia. Journal of speech pathology and J therapy.4 (1). 1-4
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Francis. R. (2019). Analysis of syntax production in subcortical aphasia. International journal of scientific research and reviews. 8(2). 849-861
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Suparna. R. (2019). Capturing vicissitudes of pholonogy. (2019). International journal of Advance and Innovative research. 6(20. 1-8
Girija, P.C, Nayana., Reshma, F. (2020). Effect of Senescence on sytax: a Correlative. (2020) International journal of science and engineering development research. 5(8). 1-8.
P.C, G., Henna, A., & Narayanan, N. (2020). Portrayal of Higher Order Semantics in Subcortical Lesion.
Girija, P.C., Nayana N, Hana., B. (2021). Determining the age of decline in metasyntax – A Preliminary Study. International journal of Recent Scientific Research. 12 (6). 42070-42074
PC Girija, NP Shahala, Nayana Narayanan. (2022). Lethologica in Aging. Journal of the Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 18 (1). 9-14
Girija P.C, Sisiliya F, Nayana, N. (2022). Aging and Cognitive Pragmatics: An exploratory study to understand the illustrious components in healthy aging. International Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 9(6). 5-8
Nayana Narayanan, Fida Jasmine, Nasla TK. (2022). Chronicling Subtle Nuances of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) through Exclusive Non- standardized tool. Journal of clinical & medical images, case reports. 6(2) 1-5.
Nayana Narayanan, Abhisha,S. (2022). Relationship Between COVID-19 Virus, RAS System and Dysarthria: A Single Case Report. Journal of clinical cardiology and cardiovascular intervention. 5(9). 1-6.
Nayana Narayanan, Labeeba Kabeer, Akhila Sherin, Fathima Shana KP. (2022). Introducing Novel Flavour to Conventional Therapy Through AAC Evidence from Case Studies.. OAJBS Publishers. 4(6). 2205-2208
Girija P.C, Nayana Narayanan, Fathima Sisliya. (2023).A perusal into supremacy of Education in cascading cognitive pragmatics in chronic alchohol users. Scope. 13(2). 1046-1053
LSVT as a fundamental therapeutic technique for improving voice in Parkinsonism. Evidence from three cases. Annals of movement disorder
Under Review
An Experimentation in to Word Generation in Subcortical Dementia – A study through semantic priming- Journal of Geriatric care and Research

Ramziya Basheer

Basheer R, Bhargavi PG, Prakash HP.2020. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of printing press workers towards noise-induced hearing loss. Noise Health. Mar- Apr; v.21(99):62-68. doi: 10.4103/nah.NAH_9_19

Sujitha P S

Tithi Jain, Sujitha P.S, & Swapna N. (2014). An investigation into the relationship between anxiety and stuttering. Journal of All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, 33, 33-71.
Sujitha P S and Gopi Kishore Pebbili. (2022). Cepstral Analysis of Voice in Young Adults. Journal of voice.36(1), 43.
Sujitha P S, Indulekha Krishna A P, Sithara Shanavas P G. (2023). An Outlook Into The Camperdown Program Recourse In The Management Of Adolescent With Stuttering: A Single Case Study. International Journal of Current Science. 13(1), 246 -253.
Under review
P. S. Sujitha, Riza Zamrin Kabeer, Ridha Fathima. Prevalence Of Voice Problems and Associated Risk Factors in Islamic Religious Orators. International Journal of Qualitative Research. (Under review)
Sujitha P S, Swathi C S, Sahlah Shameer. Speech Sound Errors in Adolescents with Congenital Hearing Loss. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development. (Under Review).

Swathi S

Vinodhini, P., Aisha, S., & Swathi, C. S. (2016). Cen-tral auditory processing disor- der: A comorbid condition. Otolaryngol Open J.
Swathi, C. S., & Vinodhini, P. (2016). Age related changes in central auditory pro- cessing. Otolaryngol Open J.
Aisha, S., Swathi, C. S., & Vinodhini, P. (2016). Neu-roimaging techniques in assess- ment of auditory processing disorders: A review. Otolaryngol Open J.
Devi, N., & Swathi, C. S. (2016). Effect of musical training on masking paradigm. In- dian Journal of Otology, 22(2), 85-91.
Shetty, H. N., Palaniappan, V., Chambayil, S. S., & Syeda, A. (2019). Assessment of localization ability–a subjective tool in Kannada version. Journal of Indian Speech Language & Hearing Association, 33(1), 1-7.
Varghese, L., & Swathi, C. S. Otoacoustic emission-an early marker for identifying hearing loss susceptibility among underweight population.
Badariya, M., Swathi, C. S., & Shameer, S. (2023). Estimation of efferent inhibition and speech in noise perception on vocal musicians and music sleepers: A com- parative study. Journal of Otology, 18(2), 91.