Girija P C
Girija P.C.Sreeshma E.R., Shiyona Sudheer, (2016) Analysis of Verbal Perseveration in Subcortical AphasicsLanguage in India,16(9).79-97
Girija,P.C., Nayana,N., Thesli. (2018). Primarily affected cognitive linguistic abilities in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of multidisciplinary research and development. 5(11). 85-90
Girija, P.C., Sruthy, R., Nayana. (2018). Cognitive linguistic abilities – a comparison between right and left subcortex. International journal of current advanced research. 7(10). 15904-15909
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., R. Radhakrishnan (2019)Analysis of pragmatic abilities
in subcortical aphasia. Journal of speech pathology and J therapy.4 (1). 1-4
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Francis. R. (2019). Analysis of syntax production in
subcortical aphasia. International journal of scientific research and reviews.
8(2). 849-861
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Suparna. R. (2019). Capturing vicissitudes of pholonogy.
(2019). International journal of Advance and Innovative research. 6(20. 1-8
Girija, P.C, Nayana., Reshma, F. (2020). Effect of Senescence on sytax: a Correlative.
(2020) International journal of science and engineering development research.
5(8). Publication
Girija P.C.Sreeshma E.R., Shiyona Sudheer, (2016) Analysis of Verbal Perseveration
in Subcortical AphasicsLanguage in India,16(9).79-97
Girija,P.C., Nayana,N., Thesli. (2018). Primarily affected cognitive linguistic abilities
in Alzheimer’s disease. International journal of multidisciplinary research and
development. 5(11). 85-90
Girija, P.C., Sruthy, R., Nayana. (2018). Cognitive linguistic abilities – a comparison
between right and left subcortex. International journal of current advanced
research. 7(10). 15904-15909
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., R. Radhakrishnan (2019)Analysis of pragmatic abilities
in subcortical aphasia. Journal of speech pathology and J therapy.4 (1). 1-4
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Francis. R. (2019). Analysis of syntax production in
subcortical aphasia. International journal of scientific research and reviews.
8(2). 849-861
Girija, P.C., Narayanan, N., Suparna. R. (2019). Capturing vicissitudes of pholonogy.
(2019). International journal of Advance and Innovative research. 6(20. 1-8
Girija, P.C, Nayana., Reshma, F. (2020). Effect of Senescence on sytax: a Correlative.
(2020) International journal of science and engineering development research.
P.C, G., Henna, A., & Narayanan, N. (2020). Portrayal of Higher Order Semantics in
Subcortical Lesion. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
Vol.5; Issue: 272-277.
Girija, P.C., Nayana N, Hana., B. (2021). Determining the age of decline in
metasyntax – A Preliminary Study. International journal of Recent Scientific
Research. 12 (6). 42070-42074
PC Girija, NP Shahala, Nayana Narayanan. (2022). Lethologica in Aging. Journal of
the Indian Academy of Geriatrics. 18 (1). 9-14
Girija P.C., Amina Naziha (2022) Effect of phonological priming on word recognition
abilities in typical aging population- J medical science and clinical research
Girija PC. Reshma p(2022) Unravelling the Covert Role of Subcortex in Lexical
Decision of Pseudowords. J Clin Med Img Case Rep. 2022; 2(6): 1304.
Girija P.C, Sisiliya F, Nayana, N. (2022). Aging and Cognitive Pragmatics: An
exploratory study to understand the illustrious components in healthy aging.
International Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 9(6). 5-8
Under Review
An Experimentation in to Word Generation in Subcortical Dementia – A study
through semantic priming- Journal of Geriatric care and Research
OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE- International Archives of Communication